Handbook of Communication and Corporate Reputation
Large businesses and corporations can no longer rely on default goodwill from the public, but must be active listeners and promoters of the public good they claim to provide, rather than passive institutions reacting to negative happenstance. This book provides evidence that the benefits of doing so are clear: for corporations, organizational learning and a sense of social responsibility result in tangible investment returns. Academics from various disciplines within the field of communications--journalism, advertising, corporate and organizational communication, media law, history, and public relations--come together to offer a state-of-the-art compendium of all that communication studies has to offer the study of corporate reputation.
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About This Book
With the latest insights from the world of communication studies into the nature of corporate reputation, this new addition to Wiley-Blackwell’s series of handbooks on communication and media reflects the growing visibility of large businesses’ ethical profiles, and tracks the benefits that positive public attitudes can bring.
- Serves as the definitive research collection for a fast-growing field featuring contributions by key international scholars
- Brings together state-of-the-art communication studies insights on corporate reputation
- Identifies and addresses the lacunae in the research literature
- Applies new theoretical frameworks to corporate reputation
656 pages
Jun, 2016
First Edition
“Craig Carroll has edited and written the definitive source on corporate reputation. The book is, in my opinion, a must-read for students and executives with an interest in corporate reputation and communication management. It uniquely covers the whole gamut of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives on the topic and combines this with an impressive array of empirical studies of corporate reputation in various empirical contexts.”
Joep Cornelissen,
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
“With a remarkable collection of authors from all over the world, this handbook offers perhaps the most comprehensive resource assembled on corporate reputation and communication. It is essential reading for researchers, educators, and professionals interested in this topic.”
Dr. Spiro Kiousis,
Executive Associate Dean, and
Professor of Public Relations,
College of Journalism and Communications,
University of Florida.
“This comprehensive collection of nuggets from leading scholars explicates corporate reputation: its bases in communication, theoretical dimensions, attributes and research horizon.”
John Llewellyn, Associate Professor of Communication,
Wake Forest University
“From snapshots of key interrelationships between corporate reputation and related disciplines to sophisticated treatments of underlying processes, contributors offer fresh insights that push boundaries of scholarship and practice.”
Patrice M. Buzzanell, Purdue University
The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Reputation sets out to identify the numerous ways that communication informs our understanding of corporate reputation-what it is, how it functions, and how to use it as feedback as you live your purpose.
— Craig E. Carroll
Craig E. Carroll Ph.D.
Dr. Craig Carroll is the Executive Director of the Observatory on Corporate Reputation, a research think tank devoted to the corporate communications and corporate affairs function. He is also Lecturer of Management in the Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University and Communications Institute Leader at The Conference Board.
Autograph Sessions
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